Emerging Impacts

The resources below are regularly updated sources of information on drought impacts or on other environmental conditions that may be related to drought. To recommend additional resources for this list, please email ndmc@unl.edu.

Ag in Drought web tool

This tool provides analysis based on which commodity production areas are in drought.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Missouri River Basin Water Management News

Regular press releases from the Corps detail the effects of drought on reservoir storage, releases of water for navigation, and hydropower production. 

National Interagency Fire Center

Not all wildfires are due to drought, but drought can certainly be one of the underlying factors that makes fires more intense or more widespread. The National Interagency Fire Center publishes regularly updated statistics and situation reports.

Crop Comments

Farmers submit comments on how their crops are doing to Farm Journal's Ag Web. Many of their comments are about the effects of drought.

U.S. Department of Agriculture Reports

The USDA regularly analyzes and reports on agricultural production, and its myriad reports are archived at Cornell. Search the archive for "drought," or look for the Weekly Weather and Crop Bulletin or Crop Progress Reports.

State of the Climate Drought Reports from the National Climatic Data Center

NOAA's National Climatic Data Center publishes monthly State of the Climate reports, including one on drought, which incorporates information about impacts. 

Local Environmental Observer Network

The Local Environmental Observer (LEO) Network is a group of local observers and topic experts who share knowledge about unusual animal, environment, and weather events. With LEO, you can connect with others in your community, share observations, raise awareness, and find answers about significant environmental events. You can also engage with topic experts in many different organizations and become part of a broader observer community.


iNaturalist is a way to share and discuss observations about the natural world.

NWS WFO Drought Information Statements

National Weather Service Weather Forecast Offices may provide Drought Information Statements, depending on the severity level of drought. Offices vary widely in the methods that they use to gather impact-related information.


Cameras capture changes in landscapes across seasons and years, with time series showing extracted image color and greenness transitions. Additional analysis may reveal a distinct drought signal.

Famine Early Warning System

The U.S. Agency for International Development and partners collaborate to produce the Famine Early Warning System.

Canadian Agroclimate Impact Reporter

The Agroclimate Impact Reporter (AIR) helps to connect Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) with people in Canada's agricultural community. AAFC relies on its network of AIR volunteers to provide information regarding agroclimate impacts across the country.

California Household Water Supply Shortage Reporting System

The State of California created a system to monitor and track dry domestic wells.